Sunday, September 20, 2015

No Bake Cookies

Got a sweet tooth?
Love chocolate and peanut butter?
Want a sweet treat free of unhealthy junk?
Heck yeah!

Then try these delicious no bake cookies. 

You are welcome. 


1/2 cup coconut oil 
1/2 cup peanut butter 
1/2 cup honey 
3 cups old fashioned oats
1/2 cup flax seeds (optional)
1 cup chocolate chip morsels 


Melt coconut oil, peanut butter, and honey in a large pot over medium low heat. Boil for one minute while stirring constantly, being careful not to burn. Turn off heat and stir in remaining ingredients.  A tablespoon at a time, quickly spoon onto a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Place in refrigerator for 10 minutes to set then enjoy. Store in refrigerator.

The Crunchy Peach

Friday, August 14, 2015

Baby Peach's Birth Story

(This post was difficult for me to write and share. It is very real, honest and vulnerable as I am still dealing with all of the emotions from the experience. I share this story in the hopes that it will encourage other mommas who may find themselves in a similar situation and for moms to be to let them know that it's great to have a birth plan but to be prepared for anything to happen.)

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

When I started down the crunchy road it was to help with my chronic stomach issues. Since then I've attempted to sprinkle the granola throughout my every day life. So when I found out that I was pregnant I knew immediately that I wanted to have an all natural, intervention free birth for my baby. Throughout my pregnancy I was dedicated to eating well, maintaining my daily exercise regimen and reading up on natural birth pain management techniques. I talked to moms that had given birth completely intervention free, moms that had some drugs, and a few that were medicated for their entire labor and delivery. I wanted to know as much as I could, and by the time I reached 36 weeks I was ready for baby to arrive. Mentally I was over reading about everything and wanted it to just happen. Physically I was tired of being uncomfortable and was ready to hold that big ol' boy outside of the womb.

The day of his arrival finally came, nice and early. I woke up at 5am with contractions coming steady every 11 minutes. An hour later the contractions were consistently every eight minutes. By 8am my contractions were holding steady every 4 minutes. It wasn't anything too painful. I was just trying to ignore them at this point, but was excited and hoping things would continue progressing quickly. As God would have it, I had a doctor's appointment that morning, so I called Mr Peach to come home and drive me as I figured it wouldn't the best idea to drive while having contractions.

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

My bag of waters broke at the doctors office and my OB informed me I was 3cm dilated. At this point I wanted to go home until my labor became more active, but Mr Peach was more comfortable going ahead and making the trip to the hospital. We had packed my bag in the car with us, just in case, so I conceded to going to the hospital, after a trip to Publix for some snacks and frozen yogurt. As much as I wanted to labor in the comfort of my own home, I am grateful that we got to the hospital before my contractions became too intense just for the sake of having to fill out all the paperwork!

From the time we got to the hospital, I never looked at the clock and didn't ask to be checked to see how far along I was. I wanted to listen to my body, tune in, focus on letting it do what it was created to do. Once contractions became really painful Mr Peach stepped in and was the perfect birthing coach and partner. I think he was worried I might break his hands with how hard I was squeezing them, and with my hand still sore a week later I understand where he might have gotten that idea. I was so thankful for all of my research and working out because I felt confident in my body and knew I was going to be able to do this.

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

Fifteen hours into my labor I was starting to get anxious to get baby out. I finally asked my midwife to check my progress and she told me I was at an eight. Great, I thought, he was going to be here soon! Three hours later and my contractions were coming two or three in a row with no breaks in between. My body was wearing down and I was getting mentally exhausted. When my midwife told me I hadn't made any progress since she last checked me I broke down mid contraction and started crying. I knew at that point that my plans had to change. As much as I wanted to bring my baby into the world without intervention my midwife knew that if I continued in this manner I would end up with a cesarean section delivery.

We discussed what my options were and decided the best, least invasive route would be to get an epidural in the hopes of letting me rest while my body kept working and progressing so that I would have the strength to push my baby out. After an hour with the epidural I was told that my contractions weren't strong enough to progress me past an eight. At this point my midwife was getting a little concerned because my water had been broken for so long and she didn't want to risk me or the baby getting an infection.

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

One of my worst birthing fears was coming true. Not only did I now have an epidural, I was being told that if I wanted to have a vaginal delivery I was going to have to get a pitocin drip. Another intervention. In that moment all I could think of was everything that I had read and heard about how horrible pitocin is for you and your baby. I was broken, but I knew it had to be done for the sake of myself and my baby, so I agreed, as long as they used the lowest possible dose.

Pitocin is no joke. Even with my epidural, I felt every contraction from the time I got the drip. I was disappointed, in pain and exhausted. So when my midwife came in and said I had progressed enough to push I was elated. I was finally going to meet my baby! Two and a half hours of pushing, an episiotomy and 4th degree tear later Baby Peach entered the world. However, as soon as he was placed on my chest he was whisked away by a team of nurses. And I freaked out. Where was my baby and why don't I hear him crying? He had sucked in meconium upon delivery. But they did a wonderful job making sure he didn't breathe any into his lungs.

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

Finally, 24 hours after going into labor my baby was finally in my arms. It wasn't the way I had planned. It wasn't what I had wanted, at all. But holding my little boy, kissing his sweet face, it made it all completely worth it. He was here. He was healthy. That was the end goal after all.

I couldn't have done it without Mr Peach. He was by my side the whole time encouraging me and helping me breathe through every contraction. Urging me to go on when I was wanting to give up because of the pain. Completely understanding and supportive when I had to give in to interventions. Physically helping me push when the time came. I don't deserve him and am so proud that my little man has him as his daddy.

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

Baby Peach's birth story is not what I had planned or prepared for. But it is what it is. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I wasn't able to have an intervention free birth with him. I am disappointed and upset with my body. But, even if I knew ahead of time how it would happen, I would do it all over again. Because him being here, healthy and happy, is more important than how he got here.

Photo Credit: LoveLee Imagery

(Every birth story is different. Every mom's experience is unique. While an intervention free vaginal delivery is ideal, at the end of the story, as long as a healthy baby enters the world, that is ultimately all that matters, regardless of how it comes about. While it was my desire to have an unmedicated birth, I pass no judgement on anyone whose opinion differs. In the end we are all mothers who love our babies.)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Tale of Two End Tables

Let me start by saying that this little project took way longer than it should have. For two reasons: 1 - I'm nine months pregnant and doing anything for long periods of time is kind of exhausting. 2 - I didn't exactly know what I was doing or what I wanted to end result to be when I first started. So I took my time figuring it all out. That said, I am so thrilled that it is finally done and I am so happy with the finished product!

When Mr. Peach and I were first married my mother in law gifted us a set of end tables she no longer had use for. We had a big house to fill and I was grateful for anything and everything to put in it. They didn't match anything else we had, but I was too busy to care or do anything to change them. They were originally used as side tables in the living room, then nightstands in the guest bedroom when we lived in Louisiana, and for now they're acting as end tables in our rental home.

Being on maternity leave for the summer and dreaming of our soon to be built farmhouse, I was inspired to finally do something about these little out of place tables. Our dining table and bench are stained black as well as our kitchen table and chairs, so I figured stripping and staining these little guys black was as good an option as any.

Before this project I had never stripped wood before. In the past I have either worked with raw wood that had never been painted or stained, or simply painted over what was already in place. With these I knew I wanted to still be able to see the woodgrain only with a darker finish which basically left me no choice but to strip them.

Enter Pinterest and Youtube (seriously, how did we ever do anything before the internet?). I did my research, picked my stripper and went to town. I was so excited. And then I wasn't. I chose EZ Strip, a product with good reviews for its ability to get the job done without a lot of fumes (I am 9 months preggo here after all). Unfortunately it just didn't perform as promised. It put me in a bad mood for a couple of days and I was ready to call it quits and take the tables to Goodwill. Seriously, they looked awful.

But, I put my big girl panties on, headed back to Home Depot and got a new stripper. Let's just say next time I have to strip wood I will start with CitriStrip. The stuff is as good as everyone says it is. And it didn't make me feel like I was breathing toxic chemicals into my little one. I sprayed it on, waited the recommended time, and scraped all of the varnish and stain off my tables like it was melted butter. Pure joy, I tell you, pure joy. I almost didn't want to stain the tables afterwards because the raw wood looked so beautiful.

(Side note: one can of CitriStrip was enough for both tables)

After stripping, just for good measure, I sanded them down with a palm sander and 60 grit sandpaper followed by 320 for a smooth finish. I chose Minwax Ebony as my stain (the same used on our previously mentioned pieces) and applied two coats to get it dark enough to my liking. After roughing up the edges a little with some sandpaper I finished them off with a coat of polyurethane. I was going for that slightly distressed Pottery Barn look and I think they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

I kept the original hardware and let it soak in a bowl of 1/2 vinegar + 1/2 hydrogen peroxide for a day to get a patina finish.

Finally, after a month - and a few tears - these beauties are back inside and I couldn't be happier with they way they turned out. They are going to look so great in the farm house! And now that I kind of know what I'm doing, I think that my next project will be to strip and restain the legs of the sofas to match... after baby Peach gets here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Moisturizing Detox Facial

Don't you just love it when an experiment turns out great? Enter my new favorite facial. This DIY mask gives you the silky feel of a mud facial with the added benefits of detox and exfoliation. Plus it is super simple to make.

Moisturizing Detox Facial


1 Tbs bentonite clay
1 activated charcoal capsule
1 Tbs honey
1 tsp water


Mix clay and charcoal. Add honey and water to create a thick mud.
Using a wet foundation brush, generously apply mud to face, being careful to avoid your eyes.
Allow to dry for 10 minutes.
Splash warm water on your face and massage the mud all over. (Take your time, enjoy it, it feels great!)
Use a warm wash cloth to remove all of the mud.

Bentonite clay has been used for centuries as a detoxifying facial element. Activated charcoal is also great at helping detox while gently exfoliating. Honey provides amazing hydration while purifying the skin.

Get ready for some gloriously soft skin, crunchies.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Glucose Tolerance Screening - The Natural Way

A couple of weeks ago I was getting very excited about entering the third trimester of this pregnancy. I was not, however, getting excited about having to undergo the standard glucose tolerance screening given to the majority of pregnant women between 24 and 28 weeks. While this test isn't pleasant for anyone, I was especially dreading it due to my IBS.

For those of you that may not be entirely familiar with the glucose tolerance screening, let me explain. Typically you go to your doctor's office and drink Glucola (basically sugar water with a lot of artificial colors and sugars) to spike your blood sugar. You wait an hour and hopefully your blood sugar levels out, which will be checked by taking a blood sample. If your levels are abnormal you have to come back for a three hour test. The purpose of the screening/test is to ensure the mother to be has not developed gestational diabetes, and that if she has, to start managing it.

Doesn't sound too horrible, right? So why was I so terrified? Due to my IBS, my body doesn't process artificial sugars, instead it attacks them, with a serious vengeance. The pain of which I feel for days. This is unpleasant enough when I neglectfully eat something extra sweet with fake sugar in it, but to knowingly drink something loaded with artificial sugar that is intended to spike my blood sugar levels was not a happy thought. Plus, who wants to put all that gunk in their body anyways? I didn't care about passing the screening or not, all I could think about was how sick I was going to be for the rest of the week afterwards.

Well, God is good (no surprise there) and He brought an article to the attention of the midwife at my OBGYN practice that explained instead of drinking the Glucola, I could eat three tablespoons of raw honey to satisfy the necessary sugar spike needed for the screening. I was totally on board! I came in with my honey two weeks later and happily downed those three tablespoons. Now granted it's tough to eat that much honey straight, but it sure beats the alternative.

As I sat in the office for the next hour waiting to get my blood drawn I experienced the horrible effect of the sugar spike. I thought I was going to be sick and all I wanted to do was take a nap. But, thankfully, my body leveled itself out, everything went back to normal, I had my blood drawn and everything looked good. No three hour test for me, thank goodness!

So why am I sharing this with you? Because I was nervous. Way nervous to rock the boat and look like the crazy crunchy girl asking about a natural alternative to a very standard procedure. I even did my own research on alternative methods other women had used to make it look like I was less looney. I was so relieved when my doctor happily suggested the honey alternative and told me that if it was her, she wouldn't want to drink the Glucola either! So, be bold. Don't be afraid to look for the natural way even if no one else is taking it. I am so glad that I did, otherwise I would have been suffering for no good reason. And I'm pretty sure baby peach enjoyed that honey a little more than he would have the fake sugar water.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lavender Oat Facial Scrub

I love how the oil cleansing method has transformed my skin. But about once a week I like to switch things up a little and give my skin a gentle scrub to remove that dull top layer of dead skin cells that builds up over time.

There are plenty of natural ways to exfoliate your face, but this is one of the simplest and one of my current favorites.

Here is what you need:

Oats - (you know, the stuff you make oatmeal out of, turns out they're great for your skin!) gentle exfoliant, reduces inflammation, prevents dryness, moisturizing, pore cleansing

Baking Soda - gentle exfoliant

Lavender Essential Oil - relaxing, soothing, helps skin quickly recover, healing

In either a blender or food processor pulse 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats for a few seconds to create a fine powder. Combine oats powder with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 12 drops of lavender in a small jar. Shake well to incorporate.

To begin your facial, steam your pores open with a hot washcloth. Scoop about a tablespoon of powder into your hand and mix with a few drops of warm water to create a paste. Smooth all over face (clean & makeup free) in gentle circular motions for about a minute. Allow to dry on your face for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water and a clean washcloth. Finish it off with a few drops of your favorite moisturizing oil.

*Note - if you find your face getting irritated or extremely red, make sure you aren't scrubbing your face too hard, just gently massaging. If irritation continues, decrease the amount of baking soda.

Make sure to store the excess in an airtight container. Use once a week for bright, smooth and silky skin. And if you really want to baby your skin, replace the water with raw honey for extra hydration benefits.

Added bonus - you can also use this mixture on rough areas like knees, elbows and feet for a gentle scrub!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Defeating Seasonal Allergies

It may be freezing, or slightly below outside, but Spring and allergies are right around the corner. Seasonal allergies are believed to affect around 50 million Americans every year. And I just so happen to be one of them.

Ever since high school I have had increasingly terrible seasonal allergies - both Spring and Fall. And for years I have suffered through the itchy, swollen eyes that accompany the headaches and runny yet somehow stuffy nose. And the sneezing. Oh my goodness all the sneezing.

I have experimented with every, every, every over the counter medication I could get my hands on. The results? They either made me so drowsy I couldn't focus to do anything or they simply weren't strong enough to mask my symptoms. So I got accustomed to suffering and got really good at always having tissues/toilet paper/paper towels on hand to combat the ever present threat of a sneezing attack.

Then last year it got really bad. It was early February, too soon for my allergies to strike (or so I thought), and I had a feeling that I had strep (which plagued me regularly in my adolescent years). So I did something I hardly ever do. I went to the doctor. But I didn't have strep. I was diagnosed with severe seasonal allergies (in February!) which had caused a double ear infection and sinus infection.

So what did the doctor do? Prescribe medications for me to take of course. Well the meds helped heal my sinus and ear infections, but the ones for my allergies made me drowsy and have horrible headaches while making my nose feel like the Sahara.

Image Source

Thankfully, God decided I had suffered enough and he brought essential oils (aka EOs) into my life. A good friend of mine invited me to a class she was having on EOs, so I went, just for curiosity sake. It all sounded way too good to be true, but at the same time made total sense. God created the plants that contain EOs. He also created our bodies and knew that we would need healing. Doesn't it serve to reason that we should use what he's already given us to heal us?

So I tried my first EOs - a capsule with a drop each of lemon, lavender and peppermint (aka the holy trinity of fighting allergies). I wasn't expecting much, if anything, but within five minutes I looked up to my friend and said "I can breathe. For the first time in weeks I can actually breathe." I could literally feel the peppermint working in my nose and opening up my nasal passage. It was life changing. I kid you not.

After that groundbreaking moment I clung to EOs for the rest of the year to help manage my seasonal allergies. I started with a capsule in the morning, another at lunch time and a third before bed. By the end of the fall season I was down to one capsule a day. I wasn't just barely masking symptoms anymore, I was helping my body fight allergens.

Seeing the success I had with EOs and my seasonal allergies I've tip toed into using them for all kinds of other things and I love them! Seriously, if you've been hearing about them and haven't tried them yet, do your research and try them. They will change your life, for the better.

Image Source

So let's bring it to present day. It's early February and I start to feel a tickle in my throat and notice and slightly runny nose. Remembering last year's tragedy that had me miserable and on meds for weeks, I knew what to do this time to keep myself from suffering for even a minute from the beginning onslaught of allergy season. When I woke up with a seriously stuffy head and sneezing my brains out I grabbed my EO diffuser and started pumping the air with my allergen fighting friends. I took a capsule of lemon, lavender and peppermint. Then I made myself a warm cup of peppermint tea with a little honey to ease my sore throat. Every hour I massaged my neck with lemon, lavender and peppermint. I literally spent all day bathing myself in oils.

Want to know what happened? I woke up the next morning coughing up mucus. Sorry to be gross, but I'm just trying to be honest. No sneezing, no stuffy head, just a slight cough. So I spent the next day hourly massaging my neck with EOs again. I ran my humidifier and diffused lemon, lavender and peppermint while I slept. Day three? Took my capsule of lemon, lavender and peppermint and went about my day per usual. I was back to normal!

What had previously resulted in a week of serious pain and annoyance combined with multiple medications taken over the course of a month was combated and defeated in 48 hours. Now that my allergy season has begun I will continue to take my capsule in the morning and won't have to worry about what's in bloom or how bad the air quality is. I can breathe freely thanks to my EOs.

But what happens if I start sneezing and getting stuffy, even after I've taken my capsule? I pull out my little roller bottles and bathe my neck in EOs and don't have to worry about a thing.

Image Source

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, I highly recommend trying out essential oils. I cannot talk enough about how much they have changed my life and how grateful I am that God created something seemingly so simple to be so effective in healing our bodies. If you want more information on how they've helped me, please feel free to leave a comment. And if you're a regular EO user, share with us how much you love your oils!

Stay crunchy my friends, and breathe easy!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Good Morning Smoothie

Breakfast has never been my favorite meal (unless I'm eating it for supper, can I get an "amen"?). In fact, for many years growing up I would skip it completely. But nowadays, trying to grow a baby human and all, I realize how important the first meal of the day really is.

That being said, some days I still just don't want to eat when I get up in the morning - especially on days when morning sickness strikes. Solution? Smoothie time! I like to think of this as my liquid strawberry oatmeal (and no, I'm not a fan of oatmeal regularly). Sound gross weird? It isn't. It's delicious!

Plus making a smoothie gives me an excuse to use my new best friend: my Blendtec. Before Christmas I had been patiently waiting for six months to get my hands on this bad boy. And let me tell you, it was so worth the wait. I could seriously write an entire post just on my Blendtec, but for now, on to the smoothie...

Good Morning Smoothie


1 cup almond milk
1 tsp sugar or honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1 large banana
12 frozen strawberries
1 Tbs peanut butter (optional - gives you a thicker/creamier texture)


Place ingredients in order listed into your blender. Blend on high for 1 minute.

While this makes a great breakfast, I also like it in the middle of the day for a refreshing snack.

Now go grab some strawberries and bananas and get your smoothie on!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 2015 & 1st Trimester Blues

Happy new year, crunchies!

My sincerest apologies for my long absence. One reason for my silence: I am horrible at keeping a secret and had to keep my mouth shut to avoid slipping. Another reason: I've been so horribly sick and fatigued that I haven't had the energy or stomach to try doing anything new/out of the ordinary, let alone write about. That being said...

Mr. Peach and I are expecting our first little Peach this July!

We are ecstatic for this new addition to our family and I am super happy to be entering the second trimester and hopefully saying farewell to morning all-day sickness and fatigue (for now!).

In the coming months I am hoping to explore a natural pregnancy, then birth and eventually being a crunchy momma! So in addition to all the other crunchy adventures, be prepared for some baby themed experiments as well.

To start things off, my first trimester experience was exhausting. Morning sickness lasting 24/7, constant fatigue, plus there was selling our house, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all thrown in there. Here's a list of some of the natural remedies I tried out and how they worked for me...

- Ginger tea: made me even more sick than I already was, can't even stand the smell of it without emptying my stomach
- Peppermint tea: helped significantly, but only as long as I was drinking it, once my cup was empty the nausea returned
- Peppermint EO (diffused and applied topically): helped slightly for short periods of time
- Saltine crackers: were my saving grace for a couple of weeks, then I couldn't eat a single one without tossing my cookies
- Graham crackers + peanut butter: became just about the only food I could stomach after week six
- Yoga: made me feel better while exercising, but afterwards the nausea returned

As you can see, not much helped and I even lost a few pounds in the first trimester. But the baby is doing great (measuring big already!) and the doctor assured me I will be fine now that my appetite is returning and I'm able to eat again.

To all my crunchy mommas out there I'm looking to you for help navigating these new waters. Please, feel free to share your wisdom and experiences!