Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Oil Cleansing Method

Last summer I got fed up. Fed up with my face. Fed up with my skin. Fed up with the whole skin care industry.

For ten years I battled acne. I tried what felt like everything, from Proactiv to every over the counter anti-acne cleanser and mask that you can find at the local drug store, even prescription medications and creams. Nothing worked. At least nothing worked long term.

So, I got desperate. Desperate enough to try something that I would have never thought to do with my oily, acne prone skin: slather it with oil.

Yes, oil.

It is called the oil cleansing method.

"The basic concept of this skin care and cleansing method is that the oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores. The steam will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed." 1

From chemistry class we all remember that like dissolves like, and that oil dissolves oil. Makes sense right? But what exactly is the method and does it work?

How it is done (aka my nightly routine):

  • Mix 1 part castor oil with 3 parts sunflower oil/carrier oil. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Gently massage a quarter size amount of oil onto face for 1 to 2 minutes. Concentrating on problem areas, if any.
  • Wet and ring out washcloth in hot water and place over face until cooled (this allows the steam to open your pores and help you get a deep down clean). Rewet washcloth and use to gently wipe the oil off.

Too easy! I was skeptical. Way skeptical. But like I said, I was also desperate.

And that desperation paid off big time because never has my face felt so soft or been so clear. I am proud to report that this is the happiest I have ever been with my skin.

After one year of practicing the oil cleansing method I can say with confidence that I will never go back to a traditional cleanser. Like ever. I have said goodbye to the days of a pimpled forehead, oil blotting sheets and being embarrassed of anyone seeing my skin makeup free. No more stripping my face with harsh chemicals and plastering it with dyes and fragrances.

Thanks to the oil cleansing method, these days if and when I get a - hormonal - break out it is only a spot, not a face full of bumps, and it is gone within a day or two.

This is my skin after a year of oil cleansing - no foundation, touchups or filters (just lots of freckles!)

This was my first step into the crunchy world and due to the success that I have had with the oil cleansing method, I am excited to be experimenting with other DIY natural facial treatments. I'm also wanting to try to add some "luxurious" oils to my daily combination. These days, I am pretty much an oil junkie!

So, if you struggle with acne or are just looking for a natural way to gently cleanse your face, give the oil cleansing method a try. It's seriously inexpensive (a year later and I still haven't used up my first bottle of sunflower oil) and your face will certainly thank you for showing it some natural love. (But remember, as with any new skin care routine, give it some time for your skin to adjust. It took my face a good three months to clear up completely and to remain clear.)

And to all you crunchy mama's out there, let me know of your tried and true natural beauty secrets!

Interested in the oil cleansing method?
Here are some of the resources I used when doing my research: